This website is created for health professionals to support children, young people, families and carers with seizures and epilepsies. CEWT content is produced collaboratively by health professionals within CEWT. The site also includes links to external resources where appropriate.
CEWT care pathway framework shell
aid to help track ongoing care and communication
CEWT letter template
dictate letters using a suggested format/dataset
Seizure Diary
give to patients for seizure(s) documentation
Seizure Description
give to parents/carers/schools to aid witness description
Drug Dosage Plans
help communicate drug escalation plans
Home Video Instructions
help improve quality of home video
2019 Neurology investigations checklist
list of potential tests for some epilepsies
Ketogenic Diet Monitoring
record results for children on ketogenic diet
Epilepsy data collection form
summarise relevant clinical data
Epilepsies Treatment Summary
table to help document previous and ongoing AEDs
Patient Information
RCPCH First seizure – first safety-net leaflet (NEW!)
Carbamazepine (oral) for preventing seizures
Clobazam for preventing seizures
Clonazepam for preventing seizures
Ethosuximide for preventing seizures
Gabapentin for preventing seizures
Lacosamide for preventing seizures
Lamotrigine for preventing seizures
Levetiracetam for preventing seizures
CEWT Nitrazepam
Oxcarbazepine for preventing seizures
Phenobarbital for preventing seizures
Phenytoin for preventing seizures
CEWT Prednisolone
Rufinamide for preventing seizures
Stiripentol for preventing seizures
Tiagabine for preventing seizures
Topiramate for preventing seizures
Medicines for Children leaflet – Sodium valproate for preventing seizures
MHRA Valproate Risk Acknowledgement and Prevent from 31st January, 2024
- MHRA landing page
- Male and Female patient info leaflet, 2024
- Female ARAF (Annual Risk Acknowledgement Form and PREVENT, 2024)
- Male RAF (Initial Risk Acknowledgement Form, 2024)
Vigabatrin for preventing seizures
Zonisamide for preventing seizures
Go to Epilepsy Action Leaflets A-Z
SUDEP Action generic reducing risk leaflet (NEW!)
SUDEP Action – specific SUDEP leaflet (NEW!)
CEWT Afebrile Seizure (Updated 2019)
CEWT Prolonged Seizure Guideline, 2023 (NEW! Launched November 2023)
CEWT Prolonged Seizure Poster, 2023 (NEW! Launched November 2023)
CEWT Febrile Seizures (Updated 2019)
CEWT Epileptic Spasms & West Syndrome (Updated 2017)
Historic resources to support transition between guidelines:
CEWT Prolonged Seizure Guideline, 2019 (Updated 2019)
CEWT Prolonged Seizure Poster, 2019 (Updated 2019)
External Guidelines:
NICE guidance on epilepsies (Updated 2022)
RCPCH 2015 decreased conscious level – full clinical guideline (Updated 2019)
APPM Management of Seizures in Children and Young People in the Palliative Care Setting